Welcome to our sauna by the Cheakamus river
Cheekye Ranch is a working ranch with horses, machinery and children. Must drive slow or walk from the main gate.
Cheekye Host 778 903 8523 (Booking changes and Cheekye Sauna details)
or Valtteri 778 751 4180 Owner ( Please txt message is best way to communicate)
email: cheekyesauna@gmail.com
Please drive at 5 km/h due animals , machinery and children.
Private groups please meet everyone at main gate and carpool together from there.
Main gate (Map Pin) is large metal gate with red sign . Open and close on your arrival.
Follow Map link or image instructions.

What to bring:​​
Headlamp/light when dark.
bathing suit
Drinks / tea
warm clothing after the Sauna
good stories to share
Sandals can be nice but not a must
Area is pet friendly but remember horses might walk by.
Sauna Flow:
We suggest beginning your Sauna experience with the cold, but feel free to choose your own adventure. After each hot-cold cycle, it's essential to take rest times. For your convenience, we provide benches and a firepit for relaxation. Utilize the heated tent as a changing room, ensuring a comfortable transition during your Sauna journey. Pack in pack out your waste.
Covered and heated dressing area
14 person Sauna
2x benches and chairs
Firepit area with benches
10x10 covered area if raining above tables